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Dataphos Schema Registry

The Helm Chart for the Dataphos Schema Registry component.


Below is the list of configurable options in the values.yaml file.

Variable Type Description Default
namespace string The namespace to deploy the Schema Registry into. dataphos
images object Docker images to use for each of the individual Schema Registry sub-components.
images.initdb string Initdb Docker image. syntioinc/dataphos-schema-registry-initdb:v1.0.0
images.registry string The Schema Registry image. syntioinc/dataphos-schema-registry-api:v1.0.0
images.compatibilityChecker string The compatibility checker image. syntioinc/dataphos-schema-registry-compatibility:v1.0.0
images.validityChecker string Validity Checker image. syntioinc/dataphos-schema-registry-validity:v1.0.0
registryReplicas integer The number of replicas of the Schema Registry service. 1
registrySvcName string The name of the Schema Registry service. schema-registry-svc
database object The Schema History database configuration object. string History database name. postgres
database.username string History database username. postgres
database.password string History database password. POSTGRES_PASSWORD

Dataphos Schema Validator

The Helm Chart for the Dataphos Validator (Worker) component.


Below is the list of configurable options in the values.yaml file.

Variable Type Description Default
namespace string The namespace to deploy the Schema Registry into. dataphos
images object Docker images to use for each of the individual Schema Registry sub-components.
images.validator string The validator (worker) image. syntioinc/dataphos-schema-registry-worker:v1.0.0
images.xmlValidator string The XML Validator image. syntioinc/dataphos-schema-registry-xml-val:v1.0.0
images.csvValidator string The CSV validator image. syntioinc/dataphos-schema-registry-csv-val:v1.0.0
xmlValidator object The XML Validator configuration.
xmlValidator.enable boolean Determines whether the XML validator should be enabled. true
xmlValidator.replicas integer The number of XML Validator replicas. 1
csvValidator object The CSV Validator configuration.
csvValidator.enable boolean Determines whether the CSV validator should be enabled. true
csvValidator.replicas integer The number of CSV Validator replicas. 1
schemaRegistryURL string The link to the Schema Registry component. http://schema-registry-svc:8080

Broker Configuration

The values.yaml file contains a brokers object used to set up the key references to be used by the validators to connect to one or more brokers deemed as part of the overall platform infrastructure.

Variable Type Description Applicable If
brokers object The object containing the general information on the brokers the validator service will want to associate with.
brokers.BROKER_ID object The object representing an individual broker’s configuration.
brokers.BROKER_ID.type string Denotes the broker’s type.
brokers.BROKER_ID.connectionString string The Azure Service Bus Namespace connection string. type == servicebus
brokers.BROKER_ID.projectID string The GCP project ID. type == pubsub
brokers.BROKER_ID.brokerAddr string The Kafka bootstrap server address. type == kafka

Validator Configuration

The values.yaml file contains a validator object used to configure one or more validators to be deployed as part of the release, explicitly referencing brokers defined in the previous section.

Variable Type Description Applicable If
validator object The object containing the information on all of the validators to be deployed as part of the Helm installation.
validator.VAL_ID object The object representing the individual validator’s configuration. string Reference to the broker messages are pulled FROM.
validator.VAL_ID.destinationBroker string Reference to the broker messages are sent TO.
validator.VAL_ID.topic string The topic the messages are pulled FROM.
validator.VAL_ID.consumerID string The consumer identifier (subscription, consumer group, etc).
validator.VAL_ID.validTopic string The topic VALID messages are sent TO.
validator.VAL_ID.deadletterTopic string The topic INVALID messages are sent TO.
validator.VAL_ID.replicas string The number of replicas of a given validator instance to pull/process messages simultaneously.
validator.VAL_ID.serviceAccountSecret string The reference to a secret that contains a key.json key and the contents of a Google Service Account JSON file as its contents. brokers.BROKER_ID.type == pubsub
validator.VAL_ID.serviceAccountKey string A Google Service Account private key in JSON format, base64 encoded. Used to create a new serviceAccountSecret secret, if provided. brokers.BROKER_ID.type == pubsub