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There are three possible sources of resource configuration values: user configuration in the active stack configuration file, retrieved data from existing resources, and default system-level configuration from the application code.

User configuration will always take precedence over other configuration sources. If there is no special user configuration for a parameter, the retrieved value from the resource’s previous configuration will be used. If there wasn’t any data retrieved for the resource (as it is being created for the first time), the default system-level configuration value will be used instead. The default values for parameters are listed in the appropriate section of the configuration options.

If the configuration references an existing cloud resource, the program will retrieve its data from the cloud provider and import the resource into the active stack instead of creating a new one. If the user configuration values specify any additional parameters that differ from the resource configuration while it has not yet been imported into the stack, the deployment will fail. To modify an existing resource’s configuration, import it into the stack first and then redeploy the infrastructure with the desired changes.

Note: Implicit import of an AKS cluster is currently not supported. To use an existing AKS cluster in your infrastructure, set the AKS cluster’s import configuration option to true.


Imported resources will NOT be retained by default when the infrastructure is destroyed. If you want to retain a resource when the infrastructure is destroyed, you need to explicitly set its retain flag to true in the active stack’s configuration file. Retained resources will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state on a pulumi destroy. Azure resource groups and GCP projects are set to be retained by default and can be deleted manually. Be careful if you choose not to retain them, as destroying them will remove ALL children resources, even the ones created externally. It is recommended to modify these options only if you are using a dedicated empty project/resource group.

Global Configuration

Below is the shared configuration used between all Persistor types.

Variable Type Description Default value
namespace string The name of the Kubernetes namespace where Dataphos Helm charts will be deployed to. dataphos
deployPersistor boolean Whether the Persistor Helm chart should be deployed. false
retainResourceGroups boolean Whether Azure resource groups should be retained when the infrastructure is destroyed. true
retainProjects boolean Whether GCP projects should be retained when the infrastructure is destroyed. true
resourceTags object Set of key:value tags attached to all Azure resource groups; or set of labels attached to all GCP resources.

Product Configuration

The namespace and images options at the top-level of the Helm chart configurations are set by default and do not need to be manually configured.

Cloud-specific variables should not be manually configured. Depending on the configured cloud provider, service accounts with appropriate roles are automatically created and their credentials are used to populate these variables.

Variable Type Description
dataphos-persistor object Dataphos Persistor Helm chart configuration. Configuration options are listed in the persistor general configuration.
dataphos-persistor.persistor object The object containing the information on all of the Persistors to be deployed. Configuration options are listed in the persistor configuration.
dataphos-persistor.indexer object The object containing the information on all of the indexers to be deployed. Configuration options are listed in the indexer configuration.
dataphos-persistor.resubmitter object The object containing the information on all of the resubmitter services to be deployed. Configuration options are listed in the resubmitter configuration.

Provider configuration options

The variables listed here are required configuration options by their respective Pulumi providers. Your entire infrastructure should reside on a single cloud platform. Deployment across multiple cloud platforms is currently not fully supported.

Variable Type Description Example value
azure-native:location string The default resource geo-location. westeurope

A list of all configuration options for this provider can be found here: Azure Native configuration options.

To successfully deploy resources in a GCP project, the appropriate APIs need to be enabled for that project in the API Console. See: Enable and disable APIs.

Variable Type Description Example value
gcp:project string The default GCP project. syntio-dataphos
gcp:region string The default region.. europe-west2
gcp:zone string The default zone. europe-west2-a

A list of all configuration options for this provider can be found here: GCP configuration options.

Cluster configuration options

The stack configuration cluster object is utilized to configure the Kubernetes cluster necessary to deploy the Helm charts that comprise Dataphos products.

Common cluster configuration

Variable Type Description
cluster object The object containing the general information on the cluster.
cluster.CLUSTER_ID object The object representing an individual cluster’s configuration.
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.type string The type of the managed cluster. Valid values: [gke, aks]. string The name of the managed cluster.
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.retain boolean If set to true, resource will be retained when infrastructure is destroyed. Retained resources will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.

Specific cluster configuration

Variable Type Description Default value
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.import boolean Whether to use an existing AKS cluster instead of creating a new one.
Note: AKS clusters imported in this way will be retained on destroy, unless its resource group is not retained.
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.resourceGroup string The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.sku object The managed cluster SKU. string The managed cluster SKU name. Basic
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.sku.tier string The managed cluster SKU tier. Free
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.dnsPrefix string The cluster DNS prefix. This cannot be updated once the Managed Cluster has been created.
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.agentPoolProfiles object The agent pool properties. string Windows agent pool names must be 6 characters or less.
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.agentPoolProfiles.count integer Number of agents (VMs) to host docker containers. 3
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.agentPoolProfiles.enableAutoScaling boolean Whether to enable auto-scaler. false
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.agentPoolProfiles.minCount integer The minimum number of nodes for auto-scaling. 1
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.agentPoolProfiles.maxCount integer The maximum number of nodes for auto-scaling. 5
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.agentPoolProfiles.vmSize string VM size availability varies by region. See: Supported VM sizes Standard_DS2_v2
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.tags object Set of key:value tags attached to the AKS Cluster. This will override the global resourceTags configuration option for this resource.
Variable Type Description Default value
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.projectID string The project ID is a unique identifier for a GCP project.
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.location string The geo-location where the resource lives.
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.initialNodeCount integer The number of nodes to create in this cluster’s default node pool. 3
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.nodeConfigs object Parameters used in creating the default node pool.
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.nodeConfig.machineType string The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type. e2-medium
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.clusterAutoscalings object list Per-cluster configuration of Node Auto-Provisioning with Cluster Autoscaler to automatically adjust the size of the cluster and create/delete node pools based on the current needs of the cluster’s workload.
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.clusterAutoscalings[0].autoscalingProfile string Lets you choose whether the cluster autoscaler should optimize for resource utilization or resource availability when deciding to remove nodes from a cluster. Valid values: [BALANCED, OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION]. BALANCED
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.clusterAutoscalings[0].enabled boolean Whether node auto-provisioning is enabled. false
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.clusterAutoscalings[0].resourceLimits object list Global constraints for machine resources in the cluster. Configuring the cpu and memory types is required if node auto-provisioning is enabled. resourceLimits:
- resource_type: cpu
  minimum: 1
  maximum: 1
- resource_type: memory
  minimum: 1
  maximum: 1
cluster.CLUSTER_ID.resourceLabels object Set of key:value labels attached to the GKE Cluster. This will override the global resourceTags configuration option for this resource.

Broker configuration options

The stack configuration brokers object is used to set up the key references to be used by the dataphos components to connect to one or more brokers deemed to be part of the overall platform infrastructure.

Product configs directly reference brokers by their BROKER_ID listed in the broker config. The same applies to TOPIC_ID and SUB_ID – the keys of those objects are the actual names of the topics and subscriptions used.

Common broker configuration

Variable Type Description
brokers object The object containing the general information on the brokers.
brokers.BROKER_ID object The object representing an individual broker’s configuration.
brokers.BROKER_ID.type string Denotes the broker’s type. Valid values: [kafka, pubsub, servicebus].
brokers.BROKER_ID.topics object The object containing the general information on the topics.
brokers.BROKER_ID.topics.TOPIC_ID object The object representing an individual topic’s configuration.
brokers.BROKER_ID.topics.TOPIC_ID.retain boolean If set to true, resource will be retained when infrastructure is destroyed. Retained resources will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.
brokers.BROKER_ID.topics.TOPIC_ID.subscriptions object The object containing topic subscription (consumer group) configuration.
brokers.BROKER_ID.topics.TOPIC_ID.subscriptions.SUBSCRIPTION_ID object The object representing an individual topic subscription’s configuration.
brokers.BROKER_ID.topics.TOPIC_ID.subscriptions.SUBSCRIPTION_ID.retain boolean If set to true, resource will be retained when infrastructure is destroyed. Retained resources will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.

The Azure storage account type. Valid values: [Storage, StorageV2, BlobStorage, BlockBlobStorage, FileStorage]. The default and recommended value is BlockBlobStorage.

Specific broker configuration

Variable Type Description
brokers.BROKER_ID.azsbNamespace string The Azure Service Bus namespace name.
brokers.BROKER_ID.resourceGroup string The Azure Service Bus resource group name.
brokers.BROKER_ID.sku object The Azure Service Bus namespace SKU properties. string Name of this SKU. Valid values: [BASIC, STANDARD, PREMIUM]. Default value is STANDARD.
brokers.BROKER_ID.sku.tier string The billing tier of this SKU. [BASIC, STANDARD, PREMIUM]. Default value is STANDARD.
brokers.BROKER_ID.sku.capacity integer The specified messaging units for the tier. For Premium tier, valid capacities are 1, 2 and 4.
brokers.BROKER_ID.tags object Set of key:value tags attached to the Azure Service Bus namespace. This will override the global resourceTags configuration option for this resource.
brokers.BROKER_ID.retain boolean If set to true, the Azure Service Bus namespace will be retained when infrastructure is destroyed. Retained resources will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.
Variable Type Description
brokers.BROKER_ID.projectID string The GCP project ID.
brokers.BROKER_ID.topics.TOPIC_ID.labels object Set of key:value labels attached to the Pub/Sub topic. This will override the global resourceTags configuration option for this resource.
brokers.BROKER_ID.topics.TOPIC_ID.subscriptions.SUBSCRIPTION_ID.labels object Set of key:value labels attached to the Pub/Sub subscription. This will override the global resourceTags configuration option for this resource.
Variable Type Description Default value
brokers.BROKER_ID.brokerAddr string The Kafka bootstrap server address. Optional. If omitted or empty, a new Strimzi Kafka cluster operator and cluster will be deployed with default settings.
brokers.BROKER_ID.clusterName string The name of the Strimzi Kafka cluster custom Kubernetes resource. kafka-cluster
brokers.BROKER_ID.clusterNamespace string The Kubernetes namespace where the cluster will be deployed. kafka-cluster
brokers.BROKER_ID.topics.TOPIC_ID.partitions integer Number of partitions for a specific topic. 3
brokers.BROKER_ID.topics.TOPIC_ID.replicas integer Number of replicas for a specific topic. 1

Storage configuration options

The stack configuration storage object is used to set up the key references to be used by the dataphos components to connect to one or more storage destinations deemed as part of the overall platform infrastructure.

Product configs directly reference storage components by their STORAGE_ID listed in the storage config. The same applies to BUCKET_ID – the keys of those objects are the actual names of the buckets used.

Common storage configuration

Variable Type Description
storage object The object containing the general information on the storage services.
storage.STORAGE_ID object The object representing an individual storage destination configuration.
storage.STORAGE_ID.type string Denotes the storage type. Valid values: [abs, gcs].
storage.STORAGE_ID.buckets object The object containing the general information on the buckets.
storage.STORAGE_ID.buckets.BUCKET_ID object The object representing an individual bucket.
storage.STORAGE_ID.buckets.BUCKET_ID.retain boolean If set to true, resource will be retained when infrastructure is destroyed. Retained resources will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.

Specific storage configuration

Variable Type Description
storage.STORAGE_ID.accountStorageID string The Azure storage account name.
storage.STORAGE_ID.resourceGroup string The Azure resource group name.
storage.STORAGE_ID.kind string The Azure storage account type. Valid values: [Storage, StorageV2, BlobStorage, BlockBlobStorage, FileStorage]. The default and recommended value is BlockBlobStorage.
storage.STORAGE_ID.tags object Set of key:value tags attached to the Azure storage account. This will override the global resourceTags configuration option for this resource.
storage.STORAGE_ID.retain boolean If set to true, the Azure storage account will be retained when infrastructure is destroyed. Retained resources will not be deleted from the backing cloud provider, but will be removed from the Pulumi state.
Variable Type Description
storage.STORAGE_ID.projectID string The GCP project ID.
storage.STORAGE_ID.buckets.BUCKET_ID.labels object Set of key:value labels attached to the GCS bucket. This will override the global resourceTags configuration option for this resource.