This quickstart guide will assume that you have Helm installed. If you happen to be using VS Code make sure to have the Kubernetes and Helm extensions installed to make life a little easier for you. Helm repository can be accessed on the Helm repository.
Resources that are used must be running before the deployment. Publishers components run in a Kubernetes environment. This quickstart guide will assume that you have a running Kubernetes cluster on one of the following cloud providers (GCP, Azure).
Publisher has multiple publishing destination options. This quickstart guide will assume that you want to publish data to GCP Pub/Sub, and that you have created a Pub/Sub topic and a service account JSON key with the appropriate role (Pub/Sub Publisher) to do so.
Publisher has multiple data source options. This quickstart guide will use a mock Postgres database with mock invoice data as data ingestion source. The database will be deployed as a Kubernetes StatefulSet resource on a separate namespace (“publisher-source”) of the Kubernetes cluster.
Deploy and initialize the Postgres database when applying the following YAML file:
kubectl apply -f /referenced-scripts/YAML-examples/publisher/#publisher-postgresql-deployment
The Postgres image, syntioinc/dataphos-publisher-source-example:v0.0.2
, contains SQL scripts that create the “demo_invoices” table and insert invoice records upon creation.
The database credentials are defined within the “publisher-postgres-source-secret” Kubernetes secret in the provided YAML.
The “invoices” database can be accessed using a database client with “demo_user” as the username and “demo_password” as the password.
Create the namespace where Publisher will be deployed. We will use namespace dataphos
in this quickstart guide.
kubectl create namespace dataphos
Publisher uses HTTPS for two of its components (Web UI and Manager). To handle HTTPS, two external components must be deployed to the cluster. One to enable external traffic to the cluster, and the other to ensure the external traffic uses HTTPS protocol. Installation is done using public images.
The deployment of required prerequisites is done over Helm. Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes. Helm can be installed using Chocolatey (Windows) and Apt (Debian/Ubuntu). For other operating systems check the official documentation.
On Windows:
choco install kubernetes-helm
On Debian/Ubuntu:
curl https://baltocdn.com/helm/signing.asc | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg > /dev/null
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https --yes
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg] https://baltocdn.com/helm/stable/debian/ all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install helm
To manage external traffic to the cluster, an Ingress Controller solution should be provided. We opted for the Nginx Ingress Controller.
Install the Nginx Ingress Controller:
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --create-namespace --namespace ingress-basic --set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-health-probe-request-path"=/healthz
Generate TLS key and TLS certificate which will be used in secrets (you can use the use v3.conf file from here).
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout tls.key -out tls.csr -config v3.conf
openssl x509 -req -in tls.csr -signkey tls.key -out tls.crt -days 365 -extensions v3_req -extfile v3.conf
To use the Web UI and Manager components, DNS records need to be created for Ingress Controllers public IP address.
Extract the Ingress Controller public IP address.
kubectl get services nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller --namespace ingress-basic \
--output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
On your domain provider, add two A record sets for the extracted IP address, one for the Manager component and one for the Web UI component.
In case your organization does not own a registered domain, we recommend GoDaddy as the domain provider
Publisher uses HTTPS for two of its components (Web UI and Manager). It requires a predefined static IP address, domain name and certificate for both components inside the GCP project where Publisher is deployed for them to work properly.
1. Reserve static external IP addresses
With your working project selected on the GCP Console, navigate to VPC Network → IP addresses and click on the RESERVE EXTERNAL STATIC ADDRESS button in the top header. Create a Global IPv4 address named publisher-manager-ip. Repeat this procedure to create another address named publisher-webui-ip. Copy these IP addresses to use them in the next step.
Alternatively, run the following gcloud commands in a console window:
gcloud compute addresses create publisher-manager-ip --project=<project_name> --global
gcloud compute addresses create publisher-webui-ip --project=<project_name> --global
gcloud compute addresses describe publisher-manager-ip --project=<project_name> --global
gcloud compute addresses describe publisher-webui-ip --project=<project_name> --global
Replace <project_name> with the name of your project.
2. Create DNS records
To create DNS records, you need to have a domain registered with a domain provider. If you don’t have a domain, you can register one with a domain registrar, e.g. GoDaddy. We will use Cloud DNS to manage DNS records in your domain. If you choose to skip this step, you need to create these records directly in your domain hosting service.
Navigate to Network services → Cloud DNS and create a new public zone or select an existing one in any project. We will use myzone.com as the assumed DNS name in the rest of these instructions. Click on the NS type record created with the zone. Copy the four nameserver names, e.g. ns-cloud-x.googledomains.com. Go to your domain registrar and replace your default nameservers with the ones copied from the created Cloud DNS zone. After the change is propagated, all records created in the Cloud DNS zone will be created in the domain registrar.
Click on the ADD RECORD SET button in the Zone details page of the managed zone that you want to add the record to. Create a DNS record with the publisher-manager subdomain in the DNS name field, using the Manager IP address you created previously. Repeat this procedure for the publisher-webui DNS record using the WebUI IP created in the previous step. Copy the full DNS names for the next step.
Alternatively, run the following gcloud commands in a console window:
gcloud dns --project=<project_name> record-sets create publisher-manager.myzone.com. --zone="myzone" --type="A" --ttl="300" --rrdatas=<manager_ip>
gcloud dns --project=<project_name> record-sets create publisher-webui.myzone.com. --zone="myzone" --type="A" --ttl="300" --rrdatas=<webui_ip>
Replace <project_name>
, <manager_ip>
, <webui_ip>
with the appropriate values and use your own zone and DNS name instead of myzone.
3. Create a Google-managed SSL certificate
With your working project selected on the GCP Console, navigate to Network services → Load balancing. The default page view doesn’t enable you to edit certificates, so scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “load balancing link components view” to switch the view to display the load balancing resources. Select the CERTIFICATES tab and click on CREATE SSL CERTIFICATE. Create a Google-managed certificate named publisher-manager-cert using the Manager DNS name (publisher-manager.myzone.com) in the Domain field. Repeat this procedure for the publisher-webui-cert using the WebUI DNS name (publisher-webui.myzone.com) in the Domain field.
Alternatively, run the following gcloud commands in a console window:
gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates create publisher-manager-cert --project=<project_name> --global --domains=publisher-manager.myzone.com
gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates create publisher-webui-cert --project=<project_name> --global --domains=publisher-webui.myzone.com
Replace <project_name
> with the name of your project and use the previously created DNS record values for the domain values.
Publisher requires that the GCP Service Account key for a service account with the appropriate role is added as a Kubernetes secret on the cluster.
Having assumed you have previously created the GCP service account, download the JSON containing the service account information. Position yourself in the directory containing your Pub/Sub key file and create the Kubernetes secret using the following command.
kubectl create secret generic pubsub-key --from-file=key.json=<key name>.json -n dataphos
Select the Postgres database credentials (username and password) you wish to use. The password must contain at least nine characters, of which there are two uppercase letters, two lowercase letters, and two numbers.
Generate a 32B Encryption key using a random key generator, or use the default one provided in the deployment file, for messages used by the Worker component (ENC_KEY_1).
Generate a 16B JWT encryption key for secure communication, or use the default one provided in the deployment file (JWT_SECRET).
Each chart has its own configuration settings outlined in its respective subfolder. Charts can be accessed on the Helm repository. A values.yaml file should be prepared and pass to Helm while performing the installation. The Web UI component is separated from the publisher in the extra chart.
To deploy the dataphos-publisher
and dataphos-publisher-webui
chart, run:
helm install persistor ./dataphos-publisher
helm install persistor ./dataphos-publisher-webui
This causes the values.yaml
file to be read from the root directory of the dataphos-publisher
and the dataphos-publisher-webui
folder. The --values flag
may be passed in the call to override this behavior.
You can also add a --dry-run
flag that will simply generate the Kubernetes manifests and check if they are valid (note that this requires kubectl
to be configured against an actual cluster). For general linting of the Helm templates, run helm lint
Following the deployment, you can connect to the Publisher via its WebUI.
To login use the admin username publisher_admin
with the password Adm!n
To start a Publisher instance, Publisher configuration files should be added through the Web CLI.
Access the Web UI by its public IP address and open the Web CLI tab.
To get the Web UI IP address run the following command.
kubectl get services publisher-webui --namespace dataphos \
--output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
To access the Web UI, paste the Web UI IP address in your web browser and specify port 8080, e.g.
First, the source configuration should be created. The source database will be accessed by its public IP address.
To get the source database IP address run the following command.
kubectl get services publisher-postgres-source --namespace publisher-source \
--output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
In the UI, navigate to the WebCLI tab and load the following YAML file as a Source.
Add the following source configuration for the Publisher to connect to the “invoices” database we created.
sourceName: publisher-postgres-source
sourceType: Postgres
host: <LoadBalancer IP address>
port: 5432
databaseName: invoices
username: demo_user
password: demo_password
Still within the WebCLI tab, load the following YAML file as a Destination.
Add the following destination configuration for your Pub/Sub topic. Keys with brackets should be replaced with your values.
destinationName: publisher-pubsub-destination
destinationType: PubSub
ProjectID: <your project id>
TopicID: <your topic>
Finally, load the following instance configuration that ingests data from the invoice source, forms business objects according to the definition, and publishes messages to Pub/Sub.
publisherName: publisher-demo
sourceName: publisher-postgres-source
destinationName: publisher-pubsub-destination
serializationType: Avro
encryptionEnabled: false
description: "Demo Publisher - invoices for client"
objectGroup: "invoices-client"
organization: Syntio
- client_info:
- client_id
- client_username
- client_location
- invoice_info:
- invoice_id
- creation_date
- due_date
- fully_paid_date
- invoice_items:
- invoice_item_id
- quantity
- total_cost
- client_id
- invoice_id
- invoice_items
- client_id
- invoice_id
- client_id
query: |
FROM demo_invoices
creation_date >= to_timestamp({{ .FetchFrom }},'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
creation_date < to_timestamp({{ .FetchTo }}, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS');
fetchingThreadsNO: 3
queryIncrementType: HOUR
queryIncrementValue: 12
initialFetchValue: 2020-01-01 00:20:00.000
useNativeDriver: true